BECE RME 2018, Paper 2 – Section A


1 hour

This paper consists of three sections: A, B and C.
Answer three questions only, choosing one question from each section.
All questions carry equal marks

Credit will be given for clarity of expression and orderly presentation of material


Answer one question only from this section

1. (a) Narrate the Dagomba traditional story of creation. [14 marks]

(Write an essay of at least eight brief paragraphs to narrate / explain at least eight of these points)

 To the Dagomba, the Supreme Being (Nawuni) is the creator of the heaven and the earth and all the living things in it.
 They believe that Nawuni is Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent and has no partner.
 They believe that Nawuni took six days to create the world and all creatures
 The things created by Nawuni include human beings, the sky, animals, vegetation, water bodies, etc
 Apart from human beings, Nawuni created spirit forces and lesser gods (bola) as his messengers.
 The lesser gods were created to act as intermediaries between Him and human beings.
 After six days of creation, Nawuni rested on the seventh day.
 Nawuni gave laws and principles to humankind to avoid sin.
 Nawuni is celebrated by the Dagomba, especially during the New Yam season.
 During the season, the Dagomba express their thanks to Nawuni for bumper harvest and also recognise Him as the creator of the heavens and earth.

(b) State three attributes of God according to the Akan. [6 marks]

(i) God is omnipotent / almighty / all-powerful
(ii) God is omnipresent / ever present everywhere
(iii) God is omniscient / all-knowing
(iv) God is sovereign / Otumfuor
(v) God is creator of all things / Ɔboadeε
(vi) God is immortal – forever living
(vii) God is merciful and kind
(viii) God is love
(ix) God gives satisfaction / Nyame
(x) God is dependable / Tweredeapon
(xi) God is holy / Ɔkronkron ni

2. (a) Narrate the covenant God made with Abraham. [14 marks]

(Write an essay of at least eight brief paragraphs to narrate / explain at least eight of these points)

 At the age of 75 years, God called Abraham and asked him to leave his country for the land of Canaan.
 God promised Abraham many descendants who would be a great nation.
 God blessed Abraham and promised to make him famous.
 God told Abraham, he would bless those who bless him and curse those who curse him.
 Abraham built an altar and worshiped God
 But Abraham did not have a child so he was worried that his servant would inherit him.
 Then, God promised to give Abraham a child
 God asked Abraham to perform a sacrifice as a sign that He would fulfil His promise to him
 Then Abraham had a dream in which God revealed to him that, his descendants would be strangers in a foreign land for 400 years after which they would be freed.
 God promised Abraham long life.
 God told Abraham to be obedient and lead a blameless life.
 God promised Abraham that he would be a father of a great nation
 God changed Abram’s name to Abraham
 God sent angels to Abraham’s wife to inform her that she would give birth to a son at old age.
 The covenant God had with Abraham was extended to all his descendants.
 God instructed Abraham to circumcise all the male children and new born on the eight day
 The covenant made Abraham a close friend of God
 When Abraham was 99 years, God revealed himself to him and declared to him that he was God almighty.

(b) What three lessons can be learnt from God’s covenant with Abraham?
[6 marks]

(i) God is almighty / powerful
(ii) God must be respected for his greatness
(iii) He is gracious and deals with people peacefully / with love and mercy
(iv) God is ready to fulfil his promise to human beings
(v) God has the power to decide who he chooses to use to fulfil his plans
(vi) God can change a person and situations
(vii) Obedience to God and elders attracts blessings
(viii) We must be patient for God to solve our problems at the right time.
(ix) We need to have faith and trust to interact with God
(x) One must be ready to change from his bad ways to win trust and favour from people and God.

3. (a) Describe how Christians celebrate Easter. [12 marks]

(Write an essay of at least eight brief paragraphs to state and describe / explain at least eight of these points)

 Easter is the festivities that comprise Palm Sunday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday
 Palm Sunday is celebrated to symbolise the triumphant entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem with his disciples to celebrate the Passover feast.
 Christians go to worship with palm branches (frond)
 They parade through the major streets singing Hosanna songs with drumming and dancing.
 Good Friday marks the day Jesus Christ was crucified on the cross of calvary.
 Christians go to worship in the morning and evenings wearing mourning clothes (black, red and black and white) to commemorate the crucifixion of Jesus
 They symbolically / dramatically mourn the death of Christ and ask for forgiveness of their sins.
 Some churches sing mourning songs and hymns
 Some churches celebrate Good Friday at conventions. All these conventions meetings are held in the mornings and evenings.
 Christians make joyful noise on Sunday to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus
 They wear colourful or white clothes.
 During the church services on Sunday, stories of the suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus are told and special prayers and songs are offered.
 The celebration continues at home after church. Assorted dishes and drinks are served and shared with family members and friends.
 On Easter Monday, churches organise picnics for members and this is a time of merry-making.
 Christians use the occasion to make new friends and to demonstrate Jesus’ teachings on brotherly love.

(b) State four reasons for which Easter feast is important to the Christian
[8 marks]

(i) It marks the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ
(ii) The death of Christ ensures forgiveness of our sins / Christ died for our sins
(iii) The resurrection story is a pillar of Christian faith
(iv) It gives Christians courage and hope that the Lord they worship is alive
(v) The resurrection of Jesus Christ confirms that he is the Son of God.
(vi) It is the authority that makes Christians feel assured of eternal life through Jesus Christ.
(vii) Death is only a gateway to eternal life in the kingdom of God
(viii) Jesus has won victory over death for mankind
(ix) It preserves and promotes Christian traditional values
(x) It promotes friendliness and family reunions
(xi) It is also a time of meeting to plan and raise funds for development.